Paper Longarm Quilting Pantograph Designs
These Paper Pantograph quilting patterns are a continuous line design on a paper roll designed for use on longarm quilting machines. The roll is approx. 11 to 12 feet long. (unless otherwise noted). A pantograph quilting patttern, or panto, is used by longarm machine quilters who move the head of their machine over the quilt.

INVENTORY REDUCTION - Lorien's Amiable PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Lorien QuiltingWas $16.95 $13.99 On Sale!

Becker's Birds Eye View PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Barbara BeckerWas $16.95 $15.89 On Sale!

INVENTORY REDUCTION - Giggle PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Barbara BeckerWas $16.95 $13.99 On Sale!

Leaf Out PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Apricot Moon DesignsWas $16.95 $15.89 On Sale!

INVENTORY REDUCTION - Summer Tempest PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $16.95 $13.99 On Sale!

Crisscross Applesauce PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $14.95 $13.89 On Sale!

Always Splendid PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $16.95 $15.89 On Sale!

Jazz Feather PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $16.95 $15.89 On Sale!

Christy's Aurora PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $16.95 $15.89 On Sale!

INVENTORY REDUCTION - Abbie PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $16.95 $13.99 On Sale!

Adena PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $14.95 $13.89 On Sale!

INVENTORY REDUCTION - Adrienne PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $16.95 $13.99 On Sale!

INVENTORY REDUCTION - Adrienne 2 PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $16.95 $13.99 On Sale!

Amelia PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $16.95 $15.89 On Sale!

Amorette PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $16.95 $15.89 On Sale!

INVENTORY REDUCTION - Ansley Park 1 PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $16.95 $13.99 On Sale!

INVENTORY REDUCTION - Arabella PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $16.95 $13.99 On Sale!

Baptist Fan Simple PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $14.95 $13.89 On Sale!

Cactus Flower Clamshell PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $14.95 $13.89 On Sale!

INVENTORY REDUCTION - Calm Clouds Clamshell PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $16.95 $13.99 On Sale!

Candy Swirl PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $14.95 $13.89 On Sale!

INVENTORY REDUCTION - Chesapeake PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $16.95 $13.99 On Sale!

INVENTORY REDUCTION - Christy's Avalon PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $16.95 $13.99 On Sale!

INVENTORY REDUCTION - Christy's Basketweave PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $14.95 $11.99 On Sale!

Christy's Clover PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $14.95 $13.89 On Sale!

Christy's Constance PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $14.95 $13.89 On Sale!

INVENTORY REDUCTION - Christy's Crop Circles PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $16.95 $13.99 On Sale!

INVENTORY REDUCTION - Christy's Curly PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $16.95 $13.99 On Sale!

Christy's Dolce PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $16.95 $15.89 On Sale!

Christy's Fall Leaves PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $16.95 $15.89 On Sale!

Christy's Fanfare PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $16.95 $15.89 On Sale!

Christy's Felicity PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $16.95 $15.89 On Sale!

Christy's Hypnosis Petite PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $14.95 $13.89 On Sale!

Christy's Hypnosis PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $16.95 $15.89 On Sale!

Christy's Jolly Holly PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $16.95 $15.89 On Sale!

INVENTORY REDUCTION - Christy's Lace Leaf PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $16.95 $13.99 On Sale!

Christy's Lovely PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $16.95 $15.89 On Sale!

Christy's Organic PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $14.95 $13.89 On Sale!

Christy's Rhapsody Feather PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $16.95 $15.89 On Sale!

Christy's Rhapsody Heart PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $16.95 $15.89 On Sale!

Christy's Rhapsody Leaf PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $16.95 $15.89 On Sale!

Christy's Rhapsody Star PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $16.95 $15.89 On Sale!

Christy's Sea Foam PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $16.95 $15.89 On Sale!

Christy's Songbird PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $16.95 $15.89 On Sale!

INVENTORY REDUCTION - Christy's Star Struck 1 PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $16.95 $13.99 On Sale!

Christy's Storm Clouds PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $16.95 $15.89 On Sale!

Christy's Tendrils 1 PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $16.95 $15.89 On Sale!

INVENTORY REDUCTION - Christy's Tendrils 2 PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $16.95 $13.99 On Sale!

Christy's Verdant PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $16.95 $15.89 On Sale!

Christy's Whisper PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $14.95 $13.89 On Sale!

Christy's Zebra PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $14.95 $13.89 On Sale!

INVENTORY REDUCTION - Circles and Squares PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $16.95 $13.99 On Sale!

Clementine Flowers PAPER longarm quilting pantograph design by Christy DillonWas $16.95 $15.89 On Sale! /
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"SEW THANKFUL" and the SewThankful Logo are the Federally Registered Trademark/Servicemark of SewThankful Inc.
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