Quiltworx and Judy Niemeyer
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The Goodnight Star quilt sewing pattern from Quiltworx and Judy Niemeyer
$38.00 $29.99 On Sale!Your Savings 29.99- More Details
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The Goodnight Star quilt sewing pattern from Quiltworx and Judy Niemeyer More Details
The Goodnight Star pattern includes foundation papers to make (24) 16 inch quarter lone star blocks.
The pattern was designed by Judy and Bradley Niemeyer and creates an introductory pattern that can be used to learn basic paper piecing techniques required for many of their lone star projects. Finished size: 96 x 96.
Click pattern back cover image for more details.
Click here for more Quiltworx and Judy Niemeyer quilting sewing patterns
The pattern was designed by Judy and Bradley Niemeyer and creates an introductory pattern that can be used to learn basic paper piecing techniques required for many of their lone star projects. Finished size: 96 x 96.
Click pattern back cover image for more details.
Click here for more Quiltworx and Judy Niemeyer quilting sewing patterns
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