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Disclaimer:  The SewThankful eNews is a FREE, privately owned, voluntary subscriber, double opt-in eNewsletter. Sew Thankful Inc. is not responsible for any eNews that may get hijacked by cyber gremlins, user browser incompatibility, subscriber spam filter issues or subscriber ISPs bouncing the eNews and/or any other event or circumstance that might prevent you from receiving the SewThankful eNews when they are sent out.  Sew Thankful Inc. reserves the right to amend eNews schedules [as in which day(s) of the week or month, NOT your frequency] to better serve subscriber needs as a whole.  Sew Thankful reserves the right to cancel or terminate any subscriber's eNews membership at any time at our sole discretion.

SewThankful Since 2000
customercare@sewthankful.com / myorder@sewthankful.com
"SEW THANKFUL" and the SewThankful Logo are the Federally Registered Trademark/Servicemark of SewThankful Inc.
Copyright 2000 - 2025 Tracy L. Chapman & Sew Thankful Inc., all rights reserved.