Harmony The Highland Cow sewing pattern Funky Friends Factory
Harmony The Highland Cow sewing pattern Funky Friends Factory
Harmony The Highland Cow sewing pattern Funky Friends Factory 1

Harmony The Highland Cow sewing pattern Funky Friends Factory

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Harmony The Highland Cow sewing pattern Funky Friends Factory More Details

Harmony the Highland Cow (or ‘coo’) is happiest frolicking in the Scottish heather. Seriously, who doesn't love these beautiful creatures?!? This baby bovine’s sturdy body makes her a perfect toy for Highland Cattle loving kids of all ages or as a decor item in farm homes, B&Bs, and trendy homes.

You may choose to sew Harmony in most fabrics and a pattern piece to make the FORELOCK out of FELT *is included* so you don’t "need" to make her out of fur. The flower pattern pieces for Harmony’s optional “flower crown” allow you to whip up your own cuddly ‘queen of the meadow’. Click pattern back cover image for more details.

Printed Paper Pattern
Finished Size: APPROXIMATELY 39cm(15½ inches) long and 30cm(12inches) tall
Final Product: Soft Toy / Stuffed Animal
Paper Templates Included
Technique Used: Standard Machine Sewing
Sewing Skill Level: Intermediate.

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Featured positive reviews:

average rating 60%
Nice 03/19/2025
By Caryn Parr
I made this very cute cow. I have been making stuffed critters for over 15 years. I've made everything from giraffes to seals. Dogs to cats. Tigers to rabbits and much, much more. My feeling is this pattern isn't for the beginner, novice. I found it a bit difficult to understand. The results are cute. I have 3 other people who want me to make them one. I joyfully give all my critters away.
Our responseThank you for taking the time to review this pattern. We are so glad you had great results but taking away 2 stars seems just a bit unfair given your great results. You are absolutely correct, the pattern is NOT for beginner/novice level. Harmony Highland Cow pattern is and has always been listed on our website including the following information: Sewing Skill Level: Intermediate
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