
The Fabric Luvin' Pumpkins (large & small)

©October 2007. Tracy L. Chapman & Sew Thankful Inc.

Large Pumpkin:

  • 1 roll of paper towels

  • Batting scrap strips - cotton or polyester is fine (approx. the width of the paper towel roll)

  • 1 scrap green fabric approx 2 1/2 x 7" (larger or smaller)

  • 1 plain brown paper lunch bag

  • 1 yard orange fabric

  • Assorted yo-yos, buttons, beads, etc. for decorating, if desired.

Small Pumpkin:

  • 1 roll of toilet paper

  • Batting scrap strips - cotton or polyester is fine (approx. the width of the toilet paper roll)

  • 1 scrap green fabric approx 2 1/2 x 7" (larger or smaller)

  • 1 plain brown paper lunch bag

  • 1 FQ (fat quarter) of orange fabric

  • Assorted yo-yos, buttons, beads, etc. for decorating, if desired.


How to make 'em: 

Begin wrapping batting scraps around roll of paper towels or toilet paper. You should not need to pin these, just wrap loosely and layer scrap strips if necessary. For the large pumpkin, wrap until the diameter is approximately 14" across.  For the small, you want approximately 7" diameter.

For both sizes, place your fabric on a smooth, hard, clean surface with the right side down/wrong side facing you.  Place your wrapped paper towels or toilet paper in the center.  Try to make sure it's centered well.  Pull up one corner of fabric and begin tucking it in the top of the paper towels/toilet paper tube.  Work around, gathering and tucking until all the fabric is tucked neatly inside the tube and you have the look you want. 

Fold your green scrap of fabric in a wrapped triangle form, flag style (or football style if you made paper footballs in school).

Grab your paper lunch bag and roll it up from the bottom (short side).  Twist slightly for texture .

Pick up your green fabric triangle and your rolled paper bag.  Place green fabric approx. 1/2 way up the rolled paper bag and insert simultaneously into the top of your wrapped pumpkin until they are firmly held.  Arrange as desired.

If you want a Jack O' Lantern face, decorate with yo-yos, buttons, beads, yarn, or whatever you like using a hot glue gun (ALWAYS supervise children when using a "hot" appliance).

Who said pumpkins HAVE to be orange?  Purple pumpkins or multi-color pumpkins would be very cool!


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